Expanding Expressions – Language Therapy

Calling all moms, dads, speech therapists, and teachers alike! I’d like to share one of the most dynamic tools I learned about in my speech pathology master’s program. The technical name for the program is the Expanding Expressions Tool.


Figure 1

Essentially EET (Expanding Expressions Tool) uses tactile/visual cueing to help students and speech therapy patients to systematically expand ;o) their understanding of objects and ideas. The main tool is the string of colored beads that serves as the tactile/visual cue:


Figure 2

Each bead serves to cue a different quality:

  1. Category
  2. Function
  3. Appearance
  4. Composition
  5. Parts
  6. Location
  7. “Anything Else”

They can be used to expand understanding and use of vocabulary words, increase number of words used in a sentence (MLU), elaborate on main ideas in essays and paragraph-writing – the uses are virtually endless!

So, in conjunction with using this fabulous, dynamic tool – that you can purchase here – I’ve decided to create some tools to supplement – and provide them for your use!

Stay tuned for our next installment of Expanding Language: Category Sorter.

Remember to follow me on Facebook @stillsmallvoicespeechtherapy for automatic updates on new products!

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